Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Perfectly Pregnant: I'm back...

Perfectly Pregnant: I'm back...: WOW, that's all I can say! WOW to the pregnancy and WOW to the birth. I am going to update you all on how it all turned out and provide lo...

I'm back...

WOW, that's all I can say!  WOW to the pregnancy and WOW to the birth.  I am going to update you all on how it all turned out and provide loads of good info on all things preggers related.  I sit here with a breastfeeding 5 week old baby on one arm and typing with one finger with the other.  I anticipate that is how the majority of these entries will play out so please excuse any and all grammatical errors that may follow!  Hope this blog will help all those interested in how one goes through the pregnancy process, especially one centered around homebirth/waterbirth.    Please provide as many questions and feedback as you can, can't wait to read them all!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Movie Madness

So yesterday I went to a casting call for pregnant women needed for a movie shooting in town next month.  It was the biggest cluster fuck I've ever been apart of!  They tell all the pregnant women to be there @11am but advertise all over town for an open casting call to start at 10am for everyone else.  So I get there and thousands of people are waiting in line in the hot humid Atlanta heat, the line is out the Hotel door and wraps around the parking deck floors several times.  There is no circulating air in the parking deck and now you have pregnant women and toddlers & babies in a very uncomfortable situation.  WTF were they thinking?  I stood in line for about half hour and moved about 12 feet so I decided to go in the lobby to find a bathroom cause pregnant women need to drink a lot then in return pee often (note to self casting company).  The lobby is a mad house, if the fire dept showed up they would had shut the Hotel down.  There is one bathroom in the lobby with 2 stalls, arn't you supposed to supply adequate bathrooms when staging events, where were the port-a-potty's?  SO after I waited in line another 20 min to pee there was no way I was going to get back in the line outside.  I pushed my way to the front of one line which led me to eventually get into 3 more separate holding area lines.  So at the finish  line of this mess was a small room with 2 women taking a general form from you and ONE photographer snapping your pic.  Seriously, that is your professional master plan for casting.  So after 2 hrs I was on my way and really thought about calling the police on the whole gig for human endangerment!  It was so hard to get in and out of that lobby if there was an emergency no medics could get in, people would had been crushed by a stampede.  And to remind you again 95% of the people there were pregnant or under the age of 3.  So there is my rant, pregnant women need cool spaces with seating, food and bathrooms when asked to be somewhere for a long duration.  Shame on you film industry if you think that was acceptable!!!!

Friday, June 17, 2011

Perfectly Pregnant: Made In Water

Perfectly Pregnant: Made In Water: "Surprise, I just walked down into the basement and my husband has blown up my birthing tub:) Its exciting and kind of weird to see. I hone..."

Made In Water

Surprise, I just walked down into the basement and my husband has blown up my birthing tub:)  Its exciting and kind of weird to see.  I honestly have not looked at in in over 3 yrs sense my daughter was born in it.  I asked him to pull it out to make sure it was still usable, clean it out, etc.  If my daughter sees it  now she may want to swim in it:) 

My water birth experience was great!  Granted I was in the tub way too long but ladies if you are looking for a way to ease your labor w/o drugs this is the answer.  It literally is a water epidural.  I had to get out several times to use the bathroom and had a contraction each time and the only thing I could think of was running back to that tub.  The difference of having a contraction in & out of it is a complete 180.  I don't know why all home birthers don't use a tub, I don't know how they do it!  If you have ever had PMS cramps or achy muscles, etc and gotten in a nice hot tub to relieve it, that's what I'm talking about.  Not only does the weightlessness take all the stress of your body but the warm water sooths it as well.  Plus I was just able to get in positions not really looked at as an option if not done in water for any lengths of time.  And, your baby comes out all nice and clean w/o having to bath it taking all the good natural moisturizer off if it. 

I had to birth my placenta outside of the tub which was not as pleasant of a situation, so I understand the difference between pushing with & w/o it.  I feel like a water birth spokes person but that's how highly I recommend a water birth.  Here is the one I used and can't wait to birth baby #2 in it! 


Perfectly Pregnant: Common Sense~

Perfectly Pregnant: Common Sense~: "If you or your family is sick sometimes you need to lean on your instincts and common sense to solve the problem. If the symptom is repetit..."

Common Sense~

If you or your family is sick sometimes you need to lean on your instincts and common sense to solve the problem.  If the symptom is repetitive rashes, ear aches, nausea, etc.... something is not right.  Once its a fluke, 2x a coincidence, 3x its a pattern.  I experienced this myself over  the past few weeks.  I had a series of dizzy spells 3 days in a row, after the 3rd I seeked help.  Now I realize most conventional pregnant women may call their OB after the first one but sense I don't have an OB and instinctively knew it wasn't serious enough to go sit in a DR. office, pay a co-pay, get a series of tests done and wait for results leading to further stress I waited. 

After seeking help from an acupuncturist I know I made the right decision.  I understand why many may not go that route, Money, Time & Fear of the unknown being the most common reasons I presume.  But I feel more comfortable with a couple dozen tiny needles sticking out of me then an ultrasound.  Money, yes it costs more due to lack of insurance options with Eastern medicine.  Time, same amount of time as a Dr's office, you wait less and are cared to more so the time of the visit evens out.  Fear, well that is a personal situation, my fear is the unknown of medical interferences repercussions on my unborn baby, some peoples fear is of needles, to each his own!

I have yet to do this, but keeping a medical diary of you and your family is probably going to save you a lot of Money, Time & Fear!  If your child has an ear infection, had one last month and maybe a few months prior, to me that is a pattern.  And just for the record, I hate the overly diagnosed ear tube fix, its a fix to the symptom not the problem! 

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Perfectly Pregnant: Intervention!

Perfectly Pregnant: Intervention!: "When do you seek medical intervention? For me its rarely to never. Unless I need something stitched up, shoved back, etc. I never go to a ..."


When do you seek medical intervention?  For me its rarely to never.  Unless I need something stitched up, shoved back, etc. I never go to a Dr for colds/flu/infection.......   So as most know I am having my 2nd home birth and I never saw an Ob with baby #1 and already went to my Gyno for extreme nausea back in mo 2.  It was a serious struggle to come to that decision which leads me to my next ailing problem.  For about 5 days now I have had dizzy spells, headaches, tired and felt warm but no fever, what would you do?

On the 3rd day I contacted my midwife and we ruled out a few things and she thinks it could be my lower blood pressure not mixing well with my high hormone levels.  Which explains why I was so sick in the 1st trimester as well.  She suggested some acupuncture to balance the 2 out and I had a phone consult and an appt in a few days.  I feel better staying home relaxing and not really stressing out about the situation.  I feel like my body is sending me a signal there is concern and if It was serious I would know when to make that trip to the Dr's office.  I feel like if I go to the Dr's now my stress level would elevate to an unhealthy level from all the crap they would fill my head with and waiting for all the test results.

I feel like people worry more then I do about my health.  My husband is the opposite, he rarely pays my aliments any mind so that I don't stress myself out more than needed.  Its not that he doesn't care its that he knows how brain works and once I start to get excited about something and have someone else feeding that as well my mind will overtake my instincts!  Always trust your instincts, mine are almost always right!!

Monday, May 9, 2011

... Any Other Way!

I was recently at a function with other mom's that I really didn't know and sense I am pregnant we started discussing birthing stories, etc.  Several women said they were induced, then epidural, then had a c-section and if had to do it again wouldn't want it any other way!  REALLY, ignorance really is bliss I guess.  So its fun to have major surgery and look after a brand new baby at the same time while doped up on pain meds, sounds like a process I wouldn't want to pass up!  I can understand someone saying its what worked for me and my family at the time but to just flat out want to repeat it w/o considering/trying the other options just sounds CRAZY!!!!!!  I'm starting to believe OBGYN's really are the most brain washing manipulative Doc's in the medical profession if you can make a women think that all sounds like the best way to go about bringing a baby into the world. 

I an not knocking c-section's, it has its time and place!  But, to have it electively is my concern.  I am obviously pretty one sided on the fact due to my history of home birth and upcoming one as well.  I don't know of the pressure one is put under while in the care of an OB or hospital during pregnancy & labor.  I've witnessed it but cannot put myself in their shoes.   And, this is coming from someone who gets stressed to the point of panic attacks if I am late, you would think scheduling the birth of my baby would be a welcome relief in my mental nonsense of trying to control my life.  My daughter came 11 days past that magical due date, you can imagine the anxiety filtering through my blood but still this time around I still CHOOSE to try it w/o all the medical intervention. 

And I hate all the excuses as to WHY.  Oh well my doctor says this or its just easier or bla bla bla.  I have friends with serious physical medical issues who are still willing to attempt to go through all that labor has to offer and your telling me just cause you had one last time you might as well have it again.  Its sad and something is wrong with our society with the way we view birth in this country.  Open a book, read a blog, get someone else's opinion besides your own and your OB's on how wonderful and joyous the birthing experience can and should be!!!!!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

How do you.....?

So its the age old question, how do you go from parenting 1 child to 2?  I'm 16 wks pregnant and have been up all day & night with a sick 3 yr old.  She is currently sleeping and her fever has broken, YEA!  However, if baby #2 was here how the hell would I have gotten through the day?  How do you breastfeed a baby all day, change diapers, burp, etc. while trying to keep the other one from a trip to the ER?  I'm sure every mother/parent has this fear and over comes it, I hope!  Its one of those on the job training things that will suck the first time it presents itself but when its over you'll be an old pro at it.   Daddy is currently at work and I hope she sleep the rest of the night, or at least until its his shift:)

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Merry Go Round!

What the BLEEP is a round ligament?  http://www.webmd.com/baby/pregnancy-round-ligament-pain  No person should have to endure this pain especially while pregnant!  With my last pregnancy I had this pesky pain for my entire 3rd Trimester.  Not to mention I pulled my pubic muscle on the opposite side which kept both of them in a state of chaos for way too long.  So with this pregnancy I would rather enjoy being Round ligament pain free:) 

I just started working out again after a 2 mo plus hiatus from severe morning sickness and my worse fear is pulling this stupid thing.  It makes walking rather unpleasant and and really cuts down on the amount of exercise you want to partake in.  I was barely able to walk, let alone exercise that last trimester making it very hard to help induce labor and its progression.  I am hoping to walk up to my very first push with baby #2 so Round ligament don't come round here no more!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Tincture Terrific

I must really be turning a corner if I feel this good after even having a dentist appt. today!  I might even go shopping tomorrow.  I have not stepped foot in a store in 2 mo, Target must be going bankrupt:)  Well I did actually go to the natural food store before the dentist to stock up on tincture's, but I was in and out in 5 min.  Knew what I needed and where to find them.  Shopping means browsing and buying items you never intended to buy! 

For those of you who don't know what a tincture is here is a quick lesson http://www.babyhopes.com/what-is-a-tincture-and-how-do-i-use-it.html.  They are great for people who have trouble taking pills like me, bad gag reflex and upset tummy.  I just put them all together and do a shot.  I take Red Raspberry, Red Clover, Yellow Dock & Nettles, all very good for supporting a women during a pregnancy.  You won't find these in your pre-natals so its important to educate yourself beyond the usual garbage your OB tells you and do what is right for your body and not whats right for the mass's, we're not cattle!

Monday, April 18, 2011


Why do they give us Due Dates?  Its very cruel, it should be due week!  I like to be on time for everything so when that date comes and goes and no baby has arrived it is maddening.  I currently have 3 due dates so I can officially say I have a due week.  Dr's use this date as a weapon.  If you give birth in a hospital and are past your date they may want to induce you which can lead to many more medically interfering procedures.  My midwife doesn't even consider the baby technically late until at least 2 weeks past the D-day!

Friday, April 15, 2011


Why do I feel more paranoid with this pregnancy than the last?  I'm sitting here with a sprained ankle unable to take pain meds, I have a dermatitis outbreak on my face that I usually use steroid cream to clear up and apparently I need a lap top lap protector.  I guess if I was a stupid girl I would just go ahead with the pain meds slather my face with the cream and no think twice about the laptop!  Ignorance is bliss right, NOT! 

I'm already on medication for nausea hoping that someday I don't see an ad stating if you ever took this prescription while pregnant and your child is disformed please call our law office! 

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


I did just do something I never thought I would do again, REGISTER!  I always thought it was strange almost greedy to register for a second birth.  But, We cloth diaper so its hard when people ask what they can get you and you cannot use the old stand by, diapers & wipes are always needed.  The great thing about cloth diapering we already have them from baby #1.  But I have to confess I did just order a new cloth diaper on ebay yesterday cause it was a good deal and I always wanted to use this particular brand.  Its not like I registered for cribs, strollers, or even clothes!  I just remember always needing more burp clothes and there are accessories for breast pumping and lotion, body wash, etc that will be needed.  Hence, a registry!

It helped make me think about this baby in the future and not in the present and how awful I feel.  We are not finding out the gender again and are hoping for a boy this time around so we will be set for the first few months on gender neutral clothes.  However I turned into a complete girly girl once Elli arrived and there is an abundance or pink in our baby wardrobe.   I could dress our baby boy in pink and ruffles but I'd hate for him to look back at all his baby pics and question what the hell where mom & dad thinking:)

Thursday, March 31, 2011

What Happened?

Wow, where has the past 2 mo of my life gone?   One minute I find out I'm pregnant the next I'm on house arrest (not really), but that's how it has felt!  I thought I knew the meaning of morning sickness with baby #1, but no I was wrong.  At least then I was functional, went to work, drove my car, showered!  This nausea was horrific, wouldn't wish it on my worse enemy.  I tried everything in the book to curve it and I finally had to break down and get some meds from the Dr., and they haven't been the miracle pills everyone said they were.  Yes I stopped vomiting but still nauseous, weak, dizzy, loss of appetite, losing weight, 15 lbs to be exact!  Not that I couldn't had spared an extra 15 but its not a healthy way to go about it.

So on approaching 12 wks this weekend today was my first day of feeling relatively not awful.  Hopefully that is a sign that its all hormone related and once that magic 2nd trimester starts I am in the clear.  These meds are making me so constipated, not that I needed any help on that front.  With some over the counter assistance I addressed that problem today as well.  Hopefully if I can get regular again it will also make me feel more like a human and less like a zombie. 

I want to drive again, haven't in 6 weeks.  Haven't gone shopping, played outside with my family, etc.  The only good thing about that is I have hopefully missed the Atlanta pollen season:)  Hopefully this entry will be a step in the right direction in my road to feeling better.  I want to share all my pregnancy experiences with you all and although there hasn't been much to say I will catch you up on some the ins and outs of morning sickness and 1st trimester blunders. Stay Tuned....

Saturday, February 19, 2011


I just blew off our yard today getting rid of all the Winter scraps.  I am a habitual leaf blower, I'd do it daily if I could!  Wish I liked to vacuum as much:)  I wonder if the baby will get too use to that noise and only want to hear loud and obnoxious noises to calm it down?  They say its so loud inside the womb to begin with I wonder if its really effected.  Then again if its really that load how can the baby distinguish peoples voices?  Hummmm!!!!  That would probably be a great pic, me at 9 mo blowing leaves.  I'll have to remember that in Oct.  Maybe all the ruckus will help get that baby out on time this time!

Friday, February 18, 2011

How can you not know?

I have never understood those women who can go several months w/o knowing their pregnant!  Besides the obvious, lack of a period, your hormones are reminding you every day.  Man o man just like the last pregnancy my hormones are hard at work.  Thought I was gonna get that no morning sickness situation this time around, NOPE!  The lack of sleep is starting to take a serious toll on my ability to me a good mother & wife.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Pot Head

Man I've been so focused the past 6 mo on getting pregnant I totally forgot and didn't prepare myself mentally for pregnancy.  I feel like a pot head:)  I forgot how tired I would be which has wiped out my ability to multi-task, think a few hrs into the future or past and make any decisive decisions.   I am feeling very overwhelmed and behind in life in general.  The house is a mess and I don't care, which is strange:)  Why hormones why?  The one good thing is I'm not obsessing over having to learn all things baby, been there done that.  I think this pregnancy will be all about learning balance for Elli & the new baby. 

Our last pregnancy went very well considering.  We opted to do the water birth at home so I never once stepped foot in an OB office.  The only Dr I saw was my Gyno to do my blood confirmation test for the birth cert. which was at 8 weeks.  I cannot imagine not going to my midwife for an hour plus appt which is actually relaxing and we are in her office for a full hour talking.  Not me in a gownd waiting for a tech or nurse and talking to the Dr for 10 min after waiting for an hour. 

I hate hospitals, hate waiting, hate paperwork, etc.  I have been very blessed to have no medical complications that would need me to have to have Dr's assistance.  If Georgia had birthing centers I could see that being a little more doable.  But having babies in hospitals is a new conception.  Only in the past 100 yrs has is been a common occurrence.  I still think Hospitals are for sick and injured people.  Why would I want to expose a brand new healthy being into a germ infested environment? 

I've been to hospital births before and its scary and annoying.  They treat you like your sick and the birth is a trauma.  Which it is the exact opposite.  It's not scary, its beautiful and amazing.  I am very excited to experience another water birth this time around.  A few things I will do differently but not much.  Cannot wait, wish it was Oct already!  I enjoy the birth much more than the pregnancy.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


The test is official, I am pregnant:)   Mind you it was a Dollar Tree pregnancy test so do I believe in it 100%, NO!  However I've been temping for months and I am past my cycle starting so all those signs point to me along with the $1 test say YESSSSSSSS! 

We have been trying for baby # 2 for 6 mo now.  A bit of a heart ache since #1 worked after the first try.  However this time around we are bit older, both had surgery this year and stress from job situations so you add all that up and 6 mo sounds about right. 

My intentions for this blog is to document my pregnancy.  the last one I was lucky if I could remember to brush my teeth, hopefully this goes a bit better.  My goal is just the same though, to try to have as little if no medical assistance and natural as possible pregnancy & birth.  We were pretty successful in that mission with the first so I don't see why #1 will be much different:)