Wednesday, June 8, 2011


When do you seek medical intervention?  For me its rarely to never.  Unless I need something stitched up, shoved back, etc. I never go to a Dr for colds/flu/infection.......   So as most know I am having my 2nd home birth and I never saw an Ob with baby #1 and already went to my Gyno for extreme nausea back in mo 2.  It was a serious struggle to come to that decision which leads me to my next ailing problem.  For about 5 days now I have had dizzy spells, headaches, tired and felt warm but no fever, what would you do?

On the 3rd day I contacted my midwife and we ruled out a few things and she thinks it could be my lower blood pressure not mixing well with my high hormone levels.  Which explains why I was so sick in the 1st trimester as well.  She suggested some acupuncture to balance the 2 out and I had a phone consult and an appt in a few days.  I feel better staying home relaxing and not really stressing out about the situation.  I feel like my body is sending me a signal there is concern and if It was serious I would know when to make that trip to the Dr's office.  I feel like if I go to the Dr's now my stress level would elevate to an unhealthy level from all the crap they would fill my head with and waiting for all the test results.

I feel like people worry more then I do about my health.  My husband is the opposite, he rarely pays my aliments any mind so that I don't stress myself out more than needed.  Its not that he doesn't care its that he knows how brain works and once I start to get excited about something and have someone else feeding that as well my mind will overtake my instincts!  Always trust your instincts, mine are almost always right!!

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