Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Merry Go Round!

What the BLEEP is a round ligament?  http://www.webmd.com/baby/pregnancy-round-ligament-pain  No person should have to endure this pain especially while pregnant!  With my last pregnancy I had this pesky pain for my entire 3rd Trimester.  Not to mention I pulled my pubic muscle on the opposite side which kept both of them in a state of chaos for way too long.  So with this pregnancy I would rather enjoy being Round ligament pain free:) 

I just started working out again after a 2 mo plus hiatus from severe morning sickness and my worse fear is pulling this stupid thing.  It makes walking rather unpleasant and and really cuts down on the amount of exercise you want to partake in.  I was barely able to walk, let alone exercise that last trimester making it very hard to help induce labor and its progression.  I am hoping to walk up to my very first push with baby #2 so Round ligament don't come round here no more!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Tincture Terrific

I must really be turning a corner if I feel this good after even having a dentist appt. today!  I might even go shopping tomorrow.  I have not stepped foot in a store in 2 mo, Target must be going bankrupt:)  Well I did actually go to the natural food store before the dentist to stock up on tincture's, but I was in and out in 5 min.  Knew what I needed and where to find them.  Shopping means browsing and buying items you never intended to buy! 

For those of you who don't know what a tincture is here is a quick lesson http://www.babyhopes.com/what-is-a-tincture-and-how-do-i-use-it.html.  They are great for people who have trouble taking pills like me, bad gag reflex and upset tummy.  I just put them all together and do a shot.  I take Red Raspberry, Red Clover, Yellow Dock & Nettles, all very good for supporting a women during a pregnancy.  You won't find these in your pre-natals so its important to educate yourself beyond the usual garbage your OB tells you and do what is right for your body and not whats right for the mass's, we're not cattle!

Monday, April 18, 2011


Why do they give us Due Dates?  Its very cruel, it should be due week!  I like to be on time for everything so when that date comes and goes and no baby has arrived it is maddening.  I currently have 3 due dates so I can officially say I have a due week.  Dr's use this date as a weapon.  If you give birth in a hospital and are past your date they may want to induce you which can lead to many more medically interfering procedures.  My midwife doesn't even consider the baby technically late until at least 2 weeks past the D-day!

Friday, April 15, 2011


Why do I feel more paranoid with this pregnancy than the last?  I'm sitting here with a sprained ankle unable to take pain meds, I have a dermatitis outbreak on my face that I usually use steroid cream to clear up and apparently I need a lap top lap protector.  I guess if I was a stupid girl I would just go ahead with the pain meds slather my face with the cream and no think twice about the laptop!  Ignorance is bliss right, NOT! 

I'm already on medication for nausea hoping that someday I don't see an ad stating if you ever took this prescription while pregnant and your child is disformed please call our law office! 

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


I did just do something I never thought I would do again, REGISTER!  I always thought it was strange almost greedy to register for a second birth.  But, We cloth diaper so its hard when people ask what they can get you and you cannot use the old stand by, diapers & wipes are always needed.  The great thing about cloth diapering we already have them from baby #1.  But I have to confess I did just order a new cloth diaper on ebay yesterday cause it was a good deal and I always wanted to use this particular brand.  Its not like I registered for cribs, strollers, or even clothes!  I just remember always needing more burp clothes and there are accessories for breast pumping and lotion, body wash, etc that will be needed.  Hence, a registry!

It helped make me think about this baby in the future and not in the present and how awful I feel.  We are not finding out the gender again and are hoping for a boy this time around so we will be set for the first few months on gender neutral clothes.  However I turned into a complete girly girl once Elli arrived and there is an abundance or pink in our baby wardrobe.   I could dress our baby boy in pink and ruffles but I'd hate for him to look back at all his baby pics and question what the hell where mom & dad thinking:)