Friday, June 17, 2011

Perfectly Pregnant: Made In Water

Perfectly Pregnant: Made In Water: "Surprise, I just walked down into the basement and my husband has blown up my birthing tub:) Its exciting and kind of weird to see. I hone..."

Made In Water

Surprise, I just walked down into the basement and my husband has blown up my birthing tub:)  Its exciting and kind of weird to see.  I honestly have not looked at in in over 3 yrs sense my daughter was born in it.  I asked him to pull it out to make sure it was still usable, clean it out, etc.  If my daughter sees it  now she may want to swim in it:) 

My water birth experience was great!  Granted I was in the tub way too long but ladies if you are looking for a way to ease your labor w/o drugs this is the answer.  It literally is a water epidural.  I had to get out several times to use the bathroom and had a contraction each time and the only thing I could think of was running back to that tub.  The difference of having a contraction in & out of it is a complete 180.  I don't know why all home birthers don't use a tub, I don't know how they do it!  If you have ever had PMS cramps or achy muscles, etc and gotten in a nice hot tub to relieve it, that's what I'm talking about.  Not only does the weightlessness take all the stress of your body but the warm water sooths it as well.  Plus I was just able to get in positions not really looked at as an option if not done in water for any lengths of time.  And, your baby comes out all nice and clean w/o having to bath it taking all the good natural moisturizer off if it. 

I had to birth my placenta outside of the tub which was not as pleasant of a situation, so I understand the difference between pushing with & w/o it.  I feel like a water birth spokes person but that's how highly I recommend a water birth.  Here is the one I used and can't wait to birth baby #2 in it!

Perfectly Pregnant: Common Sense~

Perfectly Pregnant: Common Sense~: "If you or your family is sick sometimes you need to lean on your instincts and common sense to solve the problem. If the symptom is repetit..."

Common Sense~

If you or your family is sick sometimes you need to lean on your instincts and common sense to solve the problem.  If the symptom is repetitive rashes, ear aches, nausea, etc.... something is not right.  Once its a fluke, 2x a coincidence, 3x its a pattern.  I experienced this myself over  the past few weeks.  I had a series of dizzy spells 3 days in a row, after the 3rd I seeked help.  Now I realize most conventional pregnant women may call their OB after the first one but sense I don't have an OB and instinctively knew it wasn't serious enough to go sit in a DR. office, pay a co-pay, get a series of tests done and wait for results leading to further stress I waited. 

After seeking help from an acupuncturist I know I made the right decision.  I understand why many may not go that route, Money, Time & Fear of the unknown being the most common reasons I presume.  But I feel more comfortable with a couple dozen tiny needles sticking out of me then an ultrasound.  Money, yes it costs more due to lack of insurance options with Eastern medicine.  Time, same amount of time as a Dr's office, you wait less and are cared to more so the time of the visit evens out.  Fear, well that is a personal situation, my fear is the unknown of medical interferences repercussions on my unborn baby, some peoples fear is of needles, to each his own!

I have yet to do this, but keeping a medical diary of you and your family is probably going to save you a lot of Money, Time & Fear!  If your child has an ear infection, had one last month and maybe a few months prior, to me that is a pattern.  And just for the record, I hate the overly diagnosed ear tube fix, its a fix to the symptom not the problem! 

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Perfectly Pregnant: Intervention!

Perfectly Pregnant: Intervention!: "When do you seek medical intervention? For me its rarely to never. Unless I need something stitched up, shoved back, etc. I never go to a ..."


When do you seek medical intervention?  For me its rarely to never.  Unless I need something stitched up, shoved back, etc. I never go to a Dr for colds/flu/infection.......   So as most know I am having my 2nd home birth and I never saw an Ob with baby #1 and already went to my Gyno for extreme nausea back in mo 2.  It was a serious struggle to come to that decision which leads me to my next ailing problem.  For about 5 days now I have had dizzy spells, headaches, tired and felt warm but no fever, what would you do?

On the 3rd day I contacted my midwife and we ruled out a few things and she thinks it could be my lower blood pressure not mixing well with my high hormone levels.  Which explains why I was so sick in the 1st trimester as well.  She suggested some acupuncture to balance the 2 out and I had a phone consult and an appt in a few days.  I feel better staying home relaxing and not really stressing out about the situation.  I feel like my body is sending me a signal there is concern and if It was serious I would know when to make that trip to the Dr's office.  I feel like if I go to the Dr's now my stress level would elevate to an unhealthy level from all the crap they would fill my head with and waiting for all the test results.

I feel like people worry more then I do about my health.  My husband is the opposite, he rarely pays my aliments any mind so that I don't stress myself out more than needed.  Its not that he doesn't care its that he knows how brain works and once I start to get excited about something and have someone else feeding that as well my mind will overtake my instincts!  Always trust your instincts, mine are almost always right!!